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Invitation to give a workshop at the festival

Photo du rédacteur: PhilipPhilip

Subject: Call for teachers Belgian Kundalini Yoga Festival

Sat Nam

As you probably already know, we’ll have the first Belgian Kundalini Yoga festival on September 18th. We aim for a live in-person event and hope you will vibrate that intention with us into the future! Should COVID-19 rules prohibit us to gather in-person, we will move the event online.

With this notification, we’d like to invite you to teach a class or workshop at the festival.

If the following describes you, maybe it’s something for you!


1. Are KRI Certified

2. Are willing to write up a little motivation on why you’d like to teach at the festival

3. Give a clear description of your workshop

4. Give 2 references, two contact persons whom we may get in touch with for more info

5. Are available on Sept 18 to teach onsite and online (if necessary)

6. Can teach in English and, if this is not possible, you have a supporting translator, e.g. for more complicated instructions. Please let us know what language you will teach in.

If you feel inspired to share your love of yoga from the stage at the Belgian Kundalini Yoga Festival and meet the above criteria, please send your motivation, workshop info and references to before May 1st .

If you have any questions, please contact

We hope to hear from you soon!


The Festival Team

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